Series 85 XPU - Electrically conductive PEVOTHAN® wheels
Series 89 XPU - Electrically conductive PEVOTHAN® wheels
Series 87 XPU - Electrically conductive PEVOTHAN® wheels
Series AX - Electrically conductive PEVOLON® wheels with ball bearings
Series 67 XPU - Institutional swivel castors with electrically conductive PEVOTHAN® wheels
Series 68 XPU - Institutional fixed castors
Series 31 XPU - Industrial swivel castors with electrically conductive PEVOTHAN® wheels
Series 32 XPU - Industrial fixed castors
Series 51 XPU - Industrial swivel castors with electrically conductive PEVOTHAN® wheels
Series 52 XPU - Industrial fixed castors
Series WLX - Heavy-duty industrial swivel castors with electrically conductive PEVOLON® wheels
Series WBX - Heavy-duty industrial fixed castors
Series 67 XPU NI - Stainless steel institutional swivel castors with electrically conductive PEVOTHAN® wheels
Series 68 XPU NI - Stainless steel institutional fixed castors
Series 31 XPU NI - Stainless steel industrial swivel castors with electrically conductive PEVOTHAN® wheels
Series 32 XPU NI - Stainless steel industrial fixed castors
Series WLX NI - Heavy-duty stainless steel industrial swivel castors with electrically conductive PEVOLON® wheels
Series WBX NI - Heavy-duty stainless steel industrial fixed castors